"I just stained my white shirt with tomato sauce!"
"The 'W' key on my laptop is breaking."
"The power is out again? Really?"
"Our cable TV isn't working!"
"My iPhone isn't the latest generation; I'm so behind with technology!"
This is a list of "problems" and I'm sure all of us can agree that at least one of these complaints (or a similar complaint) has left our mouths at at least one time or another; I know I have. But I think one thing we need to be careful of is remembering how good we have it.
A little under a year ago, I had one of the most amazing opportunities that I will never forget. I traveled out to the village, or to the east region of Cameroon to be more specific. I went with my Drama Evangelism team (where we perform skits that display the Gospel to people). It was stunning to see how little these people had. I remember seeing children the evening before, and then seeing them the next day- wearing the same clothes. I remember telling my parents after the trip how I saw one child whose shirt we wouldn't even have used for a rag. These people literally lived in mud houses and had very little; it puts a lot of our problems (and my problems) in perspective.
We should be praising God for the gifts He has given us! Praise Him for family and friends, for health, and for cool, autumn mornings. Gifts from God don't mean that they have to be materialistic. One of the most recent gifts God has given me was a run I took recently.
About once a week, I'll run with some friends to school in the morning. It's great and refreshing, and one morning in particular made me very happy. A few weeks ago, I ran with one of my good friends and as we were cooling down and walking a bit, a group of little, elementary-aged Cameroonian students were walking to one of the local schools. As we began to start running again, they ran along beside us. As we all ran, my friend and I began to play around and goof off with them as we ran. He and I spoke to them with the little French we knew, and I so enjoyed this experience.
I read in my devotions recently that we should focus on God, and not cling to the gifts and blessings He's given us. We should be thankful for the blessings and delight in them, but remember that God's gifts point directly back to Him. The gifts reflect what an awesome God we serve! He has blessed each and every one of us abundantly, even if it may not always seem that way. He has blessed us with His gift of love and of eternal life; that's a gift He offers to all! So be on the lookout for the gifts God has given you, but remember to praise the Gift Giver for them!
James 1:17
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
Joyfully His,